Instagram // Hello loves, hope you've had a great week. It's been a busy one over here - it was my birthday on Sunday, which was also Mother's Day annddddd the clocks went forward- boooo! I hate losing an hour of sleep in my bed. My birthday was fantastic though - we were so lucky with the weather and there was enough cake to feed a small army. I got thoroughly spoilt by my lovely friends and family, which always makes turning a year older that tiny bit easier...
Friday, 31 March 2017
Sunday, 26 March 2017
La Redoute Pink Lace Dress - Outfit of the Day
Pink Party Dress // It's my birthday!! So, naturally, I've decided to throw on my favourite pink party dress and feel fancy all day - will literally spend the day munching on cupcakes and eating all kinds of other treats! I can't believe it's been a whole year since I went to see Adele live ... sadly, I'm not doing anything that exciting this year, but still going to spend quality time with loved ones and eat as much as possible, which is always a great recipe for a fabulous birthday!

Friday, 24 March 2017
Daniel Wellington Watch and Discount // March 2017
Daniel Wellington Watch // Happy Friday folks, I hope you all have something exciting planned for the weekend. It's my birthday on Sunday - I love being a March baby because it means Easter, flowers and most importantly, chocolate! I received an early birthday gift in the form of this gorgeous Daniel Wellington watch, which was kindly sent to me from the Swedish brand. I'm in love with the effortless and stylish design, it's such a classic timepiece to own.

Sunday, 19 March 2017
Florals for Spring - Outfit of the Day
Florals for Spring // Happy Sunday! Okay, I know I say this about most of the items of clothing that I post on this wee blog of mine, but seriously, I am in love with this shirt. I picked it up in my local charity shop for £1 (yes, £1!!) and had initially planned to sell in on eBay (show me the money!!). Usually, when I decide to sell something, I won't try it but I loved this combination of colours and patterns too much - I had to try it on this time. And, of course, once I did, well... I just had to keep it!
Friday, 17 March 2017
March Favourites ft. Daniel Wellington and Discount
March Favourites // Hello loves, hope you've had a great week - thank god it's the weekend! Now, I usually share a dose of weekly pictures from my Instagram account on a Friday, but I fancied a wee change today... I thought I'd share a few products that I've enjoyed using/wearing over the last few weeks...

Tuesday, 14 March 2017
Breo Sunglasses Review 2017
Breo Sunglasses // Spring is well and truly here and summer is on it's way - YAY! It's amazing how the weather can drastically change your mood - as soon as the days got brighter and lighter, I wanted to get outside and get exercising. When it's winter, all you want to do is curl up on the sofa and sit by the fire. But, the sun has been shining brightly in the mornings now and it's putting a hugeeeee smile on my face. :-)

Sunday, 12 March 2017
Black and White Floral Dress - Outfit of the Day
Black and White Florals // Oh, how I love a floral dress. If I were to look at my wardrobe as a percentage, I would say floral dresses make up 99.9% of its contents... and yet, I can't seem to stop buying them - it's clearly an addiction. But the thing is, although I have a mountain of dresses all with a floral print, to me, they are all slightly different and unique in their own way. For example, the one I'm wearing today is quite different from any of the other black and white floral dresses that I own already ... I swear! ;-)

Friday, 10 March 2017
My Life in Pictures // Instagram
Instagram // Hello loves, how has your week been? I haven't actually posted one of these Instagram collections for a while. I'm so excited that flowers are back in bloom and we are slowly but surely seeing the return of the summer plants in the gardens, parks and shops. I bought these faded pink roses last week from Aldi - they were only £2, how amazing is that? It really doesn't cost much to brighten up your day a little bit - flowers are always a good idea!

Tuesday, 7 March 2017
Glasses Shop Review and Discount 2017
Glasses Shop Review // As far back as I can remember, I've always had perfect vision. Seriously. I would boast about the fact that I was the only member of family who did not need to wear glasses and I was chuffed with my 20/20 vision. But let me tell you, I'm getting old... and I'm not happy about it. Back at Christmas time, I was getting a few headaches and noticed that some things were not looking right. For example, whenever I was watching TV or typing on my laptop, I would experience double vision and/or things were becoming really fuzzy. I finally realised it was probably a good idea to get my eyes tested... holy moly, turns out I'm short sighted in one eye, whilst the other has some sort of stigmatism. I'm still not 100% what it all means (refuse to believe my eyes are failing on me) but all I know is that I now need to wear glasses...
Sunday, 5 March 2017
Pastel Green Lace Dress by Monki - Outfit of the Day
Monki Lace Dress // Hello loves, by the time you read this, I shall be enjoying a long weekend in Copenhagen with my lovely girls. I'm so excited to be back in the Danish capital - I lived in Denmark for 6 months whilst studying on Erasmus, and it was the best experience of my life. I find myself dreaming of Denmark all the time and in love with everything to do with the Danish way of life. I'll no doubt be snapping a million pictures, and will be sure to share them with you all once I'm back home.

Friday, 3 March 2017
Sudio Sweden Wireless Headphones Review 2017
Sudio Sweden Wireless Headphones // After my little dabble at reviewing technology last week, I was thrilled to be contacted by the team at Sudio Sweden. They very kindly offered me the chance to review a pair of their Vasa BlÄ wireless headphones - ahh, I can't believe how lucky I am sometimes! :-) I was instantly amazed at the concept of wireless headphones - why had I never heard of these before?!? I'm always struggling with my old headphones; they are either tangled in an enormous knot or they get caught on door handles, zips, shopping trolleys, any random object really! So, when Sudio Sweden introduced me to their 'hassle free' headphones, I was hooked.

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