"I am making this statement as an act of wilful defiance of military authority, because I believe the war is being deliberately prolonged by those who have the power to end it.
My Life in Pictures // Hello loves, how are you doing? It's been a while since I've shared some Instagram snaps with you all. Even if I go a little quiet on here, you can guarantee I've probably posted on my Instagram account, it's funny that isn't it? Anyways, here's a combination of some yummy treats, pretty flowers and some fabulous home bakes. Also, can you tell that I like coffee?...
Hippie Floral Dress // Hello lovelies, happy Sunday! I hope you've had a great weekend so far. Well, here I am again sharing yet another floral dress (shock), but you guys know me, I'm always happy to add a new piece to my wardrobe. This dress was quite a nice find, it cost me £3 on eBay and it's originally from Primark. When it arrived, I was initially unsure as it was much longer than it had looked online, but I'm actually loving the length - I don't really own that many midi length dresses and the inner hippie in me was dancing about when I tried it on for the first time - any piece of clothing that makes me feel like Stevie Nicks is a winner in my eyes...
"Because the three Plumbs had agreed on the phone the previous evening that they should not drink in front of their brother Leo, they were all - unbeknownst to one another - sitting in separate bars in and around Grand Central, savouring a furtive cocktail before lunch".
Black Floral Top // Hello lovelies, hope you are all well and surviving the bitter Beast From The East. It's been incredibly atmospheric here in the North East and it's making me feel as though I should be getting the Christmas decorations back out and cranking the Christmas music to high. But instead, it's actually March and we should be getting excited for Mother's Day and Easter and warmer days ahead... please weather, make your mind up!
‘When I was born, the name for what I was did not exist…
God, Mortal, Daughter, Monster, Saviour, Outcast, Sister, Lover, Destroyer,
Creator, Witch, Mother…. Circe’.
H&M Floral Top // Hello lovelies, hope you are all doing well! I am finally back with an outfit post, after what feels like years! I didn’t manage to take that many pictures over the Christmas period, as I was just so busy with work, and the freezing cold weather certainly didn’t help! It's now February and the weather is still pretty cold to stand outside and take pictures, but I will try and organise a few shoots soon. If you look closely, you may notice that I am standing in front of a Christmas wreath - we actually took these pictures back in December and I've only managed to get round to posting them now - oops! :-)