Tuesday 9 January 2018

Birthday Gift Inspiration

Birthday Inspiration // Hello lovelies, I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and new year. Can you believe it’s already 2018? I have no idea where the time is going! I have finally emerged from my festive food coma and I'm ready to face the new year head on! It’s always a little daunting though, because for me, January is such a busy month. I’ve always got a lot of marking/ work to catch up on AND it’s also the major birthday month in my family. Not one, not two, not even three but SIX members of my family have their birthdays in January, and let me tell you, it’s a nightmare. Just when I thought all of my Christmas/ December shopping was done and dusted… Oh no, that's right... I need to head back out into the crazy town centre and battle my way through keen shoppers to find some bargains and birthday presents...

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