Wednesday 9 May 2018

The Collector by John Fowles // Book Review 2018

 "I can’t say what it was, the very first time I saw her, I knew she was the only one."

The Collector by John Fowles // Frederick is a loner. He's never had any friends, his parents died when we was a young child and he's spent his entire life as a socially-awkward individual. He spends his time taking photographs and collecting rare butterflies. He is withdrawn, uneducated and unloved. One would instantly begin to feel sorry for our protagonist however any sympathy quickly fades. Frederick begins to become obsessed with a beautiful stranger, an innocent art student called Miranda. Frederick develops an obsession towards Miranda, dreaming about the day they will be together. Too shy to make a move, his obsession continues from a secretive distance. 

One afternoon, Frederick encounters a stroke of luck - he wins the lottery. This new fortune opens up a world of opportunities for Frederick - he buys a remote house in Sussex with a soundproof dungeon and decides to 'calmly' abduct Miranda. Yes, you read correctly. Frederick devices a plan to kidnap Miranda, believing that she will grow to love him in time. She has now become like one of his rare butterflies and he, the collector. . .

My thoughts // If I could describe this book in one word, it would be haunting. I think this book will stay with me for a very long time. Creepy from the get-go, I was instantly hooked and needed to know what happened to poor, vulnerable Miranda. The Collector was written in 1963 but it has an incredibly modern feel to it, which makes it an incredibly spooky read - you're very aware that this could be happening right now in the world somewhere, and that certainly sends a shiver down my spine. The book is brilliantly written - I could see Miranda's prison cell in every little detail and yearned for her to be able to make an escape and gain back her freedom. I won't give away the ending but the concluding chapter is worth the read alone - terrifying ending for a terrifying book. 

Have you read this book? Let me know what you think in the comments below!

More soon,



  1. Okay so i started off reading this thinking that it would be a good book about a guy finally finding his way or something or gaining acceptance. But damn that really took a twist! I definitely want to read this now! Also a bit freaked to read it haha because the fact that it can literally be happening is quite terrifying.

    ~Andrea Tiffany~

  2. Great post! You have such a nice blog. :)


  3. I'm so intrigued by this! Sounds like a really gripping read. x

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